This website shows off some of my hobby projects across my different interests. This website was built with GitHub Page and Hugo using the Ananke theme with some custom CSS and JavaScript.

Portfolio Projects
Machine learning experiments and data visualizations, designed and built by Hayden Quilty
image from Climate Visualizer Website
March 23, 2023

Climate Visualizer Website

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image from Inflation Exploratory Data Analysis
March 7, 2023

Inflation Exploratory Data Analysis

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image from Northern Virginia Monthly Conditions
July 6, 2021

Northern Virginia Monthly Conditions

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image from Portfolio Risk Mix Visualizer
April 6, 2021

Portfolio Risk Mix Visualizer

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image from Urban Sound Classifier
December 10, 2020

Urban Sound Classifier

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image from Spotify Playlist Clustering Techniques
October 8, 2020

Spotify Playlist Clustering Techniques

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image from Cover Art for ACS Letters of Medicinal Chemistry
February 13, 2020

Cover Art for ACS Letters of Medicinal Chemistry

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image from Weather Balloon Visualization
April 6, 2018

Weather Balloon Visualization

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image from DNA Transcription Animation
February 1, 2018

DNA Transcription Animation

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